Speaking at MongoSF on May 24th

I’m a little late to be posting this the night before. In any case, tomorrow afternoon I’ll be presenting at MongoSF 2011. My talk title is Lessons Learned from Migrating 2+ Billion Documents at Craigslist and it picks up where my MongoSV 2010 talk left off. If you were not at MongoSV 2010, the video is available onlnie and provides some background on the project I was just beginning back then.

Tomorrow’s talk will cover a bit of the same information, but it really focuses on what we learned going through the process of migrating many years worth of data from MySQL to MongoDB.

Related to this, I did a short interview that became the blog post titled MongoDB Live at Craigslist over on the MongoDB Blog. That same day, a few others picked up the story, including:

The agenda for tomorrow looks very good and I understand there are around 700 people registered. Should be a fun day!

About Jeremy Zawodny

I'm a software engineer and pilot. I work at craigslist by day, hacking on various bits of back-end software and data systems. As a pilot, I fly Glastar N97BM, Just AirCraft SuperSTOL N119AM, Bonanza N200TE, and high performance gliders in the northern California and Nevada area. I'm also the original author of "High Performance MySQL" published by O'Reilly Media. I still speak at conferences and user groups on occasion.
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2 Responses to Speaking at MongoSF on May 24th

  1. vinayak says:

    There is typo in your link for mongosv2010 video the word should be online and not onlnie

  2. Pingback: Slides from my MongoSF 2011 Talk | Jeremy Zawodny's blog

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